Preschool Initiative Program
A network over over 30 preschools in Sioux City. The Preschool Initiative Program is guided by the Sioux City Community School District.

Early Childhood Education
Head Start, Early Head Start, Every Child, Every Day (Online Books and Songs)

0-3 Prime Age to Engage
Fun ideas and connections to explore so you can spend quality time with your 0-3 year old child that supports his or her developmental journey.

Dual Language Academy
Dual Language Program centering around classroom instruction in 90% Spanish and 10% English, changing by 10% annually.
1000 Books Before Kindergarten
Join the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten challenge that brings you and your child closer together while developing their vocabulary and preparing them to become a stronger reader.
Our Time To Enjoy Reading (OTTER)
Come and enjoy a quiet time with a good book! Bring a book of your choice and join us for reading and refreshments in the library café.